

Error 1720: SERs UHT-2900 Filing Issue

Claiming an exemption in Part 6 and answering Yes to the question at line line 605 triggers error 1720.

known issue SERs EFILE error UHT
First-time Filers: EFILE Error 16

To resolve this error, answer Yes to the first-time filer question on the Info worksheet for any T1 return sent to the CRA for the very first time.

EFILE error
EFILE Error Codes 149-R, 110-B and 960576

First-time filer's name and the BC renter's tax credit.

EFILE error T1
UPDATE EFILE Error 2097: Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit

The spouse’s or common-law partner’s income is not being considered by the system in the calculation of the Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit.

EFILE error
EFILE Error Y80010 for Shared T2042, T1163/4 or T1273/4 Statements

Some 2021 T1 returns trigger EFILE error Y80010 when the taxpayer has a partnership farming operation and claims the tax credit on the T2043.

EFILE error CRA T1